The Procurement Department is one of the service departments established in all MDAs in 2008 as part of the implementation of the Public Procurement Act, 2007 as outlined in the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation Circular No. HCSF/PSO/155/I/3 of 31st March, 2008 on the Establishment of Procurement Cadre in the Federal Civil Service. The department is under the direct supervision of the Permanent Secretary, General Services Office (OSGF) in compliance with the provision of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation Circular No. HCSF/061/S.I/V/102 of 13th February, 2012.

The Procurement Division is sub-divided into two Units (Capital and Recurrent) as outlined in the Head of Civil Service of the Federation Circular. The Division has the mandate to:

  • Ensure Projects conceptualization and package match defined priorities;
  • Ensure all contracting processes are conducted in a transparent, open, competitive an efficient way and in strict compliance with the provision of Public Procurement Act, 2007 and extant guidelines on the award of contracts in the Public Service, in order to achieve value for money as well as to conform with spirit of due process mechanism; and
  • Prevent contract inflation by ensuring cost reasonableness, accuracy comparability in the competitive markets.


The Tenders Board of the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation under the Chairmanship of the Permanent Secretary (General Services Office) handles award of projects within its threshold for all the Offices in the OSGF (except the Ecological Funds Office) and Agencies under its supervision.

  • Coordination of the procurement plan to be prepared by the Procurement Planning Committee and presentations to the Tenders Board for approval;
  • Submission of the procurement plan to the Bureau of Public Procurement;
  • Secretariat of the Ministerial Tenders Board (MTB);
  • Setting of procurement timeframe in line with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act, 2007;
  • Submission to advertising media the documents for: soliciting quotations, prequalification, bidding and request for proposals;
  • Receiving and arranging opening of prequalification, documents, bids,             quotations and, request for proposals;
  • Coordination and submission of evaluation reports of to the Ministerial Tenders Board (MTB) for approval;
  • Processing of all contracts above the approving thresholds of Parastatals under Tender Board under the supervision of the OSGF;
  • Processing and submission of quotations for Minor Value Procurements (within Permanent Secretary’s threshold) for approval;
  • Making arrangements for contract negotiations;
  • Making arrangements for Contract Agreement signing;
  • Preparing documentations for submission to Bureau of Public Procurement for certification and approval of projects for contract award;
  • Conveying of award of contracts to successful bidders;
  • Preparing responses to complaints from aggrieved contractors and other stakeholders;
  • Preparation of all data and information required by the Bureau of Public Procurement and other relevant authorities;
  • Ensure procurement Motoring, Evaluation and Compliance;
  • Liaising with Stock Verifier and user-department/unit to ensure that Works,   Goods and Services delivered are in conformity with specifications and contract terms;
  • Disposal of unserviceable items and other Government properties designated for disposal in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act, 2007 and the Financial Regulations; and
  • Perform any other assignment that may be assigned by the Accounting Officer to enhance performance of the procurement functions.


The implementation report details the steps taken and results achieved in carrying out the budget allocation for the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation. This comprehensive report offers valuable insights into the goals, procedures, obstacles encountered, accomplishments, and key takeaways from the implementation process.

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