Mandate of the office
The PEAO deals with monitoring, processing, research and analysis of prevailing political and economic issues, locally and internationally; advises Government on available options with a view to making evidence based informed decisions; monitoring the implementation of FEC approved projects and engagement with the diaspora, multilateral and international organisations.
The Political & Economic Affairs Office is statutorily responsible for the effective coordination and monitoring of the implementation of Government public, political & economic policies and programmes. Key functions include:
- Monitoring, processing, research and analysis of political & economic, policies, programmes and activities of government
- Appraisal of performance and impact of key political and economic agencies of government
- Serve as an advisory on political and economic matters
- Represent SGF on economic, political and border related Boards and Parastatals
- Processing of petitions from the general public
- Preparation of Speeches/Papers on Political and Economic Matters for presentation by Mr. President and/or the SGF
- SGF secretariat on committees, commissions, panels and meetings of economic matters
- Serves as Secretariat to the Forum of Secretary to the Government of the Federation and Secretary to State Governments
- Coordinate the celebration of National Events (Inauguration, Democracy and Independence Days)
- Represent SGF at inter-ministerial meetings and international fora on economic matters
- Secretariat for the National Authority on Chemical and Biological Weapons Convention (NACBWC)
- Relations with Multilateral and International organizations
- Diaspora engagements thru the Nigerian National Volunteers Services Unit
- Secretariat for the National Authority on Chemical and Biological Weapons Convention (NACBWA)
- Monitoring implementation of FEC approved projects by Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Government.
- Advising and offering second opinion on economic issues to the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) at the initiative of the Office or as directed by the SGF
- Providing effective representation for the Office of the SGF at Inter-Ministerial meetings and at other International Economic fora and bilateral meetings
- Providing Secretariat for meetings of the SGF on matters that affect the economy
- Initiating measures towards effective implementation of Government’s economic policies
- Providing mini think-tank services to the SGF on economic issues
- Monitoring capital projects and economic programmes of special interest to the Presidency
- Evaluating Government programmes/projects and making appropriate policy recommendations
- Preparing reports on selected Federal Government Projects, as may be directed by the SGF
- Member, Secretariat of the Committee on the funding of Foreign Missions and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Headquarters
- Member, Planning Committee of High-Level Group Meeting on Education for All (EFA) and the Special Parliamentary Forum Organized by UNESCO
- Examination of Political Reports on various Countries and events in the international arena and advising the Secretary to the Government of the Federation on Nigeria’s position
- Custody of important political documents, reports and other related documents of historical and current value to the development of Nigeria in Specialized Political Library
- Coordination of Matters relating to bilateral, multilateral Organizations and
- To utilize the skills, knowledge and experience of Nigerians living in Nigeria who, during their career in the private sector or after retirement from the public sector are able and willing to offer volunteer services to the country. National Volunteerism
- Political Research and Educational Institutes
- National Assembly
- Political Parties
- Election Monitoring Groups NGO’s)
- Religious Bodies
- Federal Ministries, Extra-Ministerial Departments and Agencies
- State Governments
- Corporate entities or Organizations
- General Public
- Redress Seekers, Petitioners
- Pressure Groups & other Stakeholders
- International and Regional Organizations
- Bilateral (Agreements, Meetings, Conventions) Agencies
- Multilateral (Agreements, Meetings, Conventions) Agencies
- Judiciary
- Various stakeholders in the Nigerian economy, include the following:
- Government Agencies handling Socio-economic issues ( e.g. Federal Ministries of Finance, Industry Trade &
- Productivity, National Planning Commission, Central Bank of Nigeria, Nigeria Customs Service, National Salaries Income & Wages Commission, Revenue Mobilization Allocation & Fiscal Commission etc);
- State Chamber of Commerce& Industries (e.g. Lagos State Chamber of Commerce, Abuja Chamber of Commerce, Kaduna State Chambers of Commerce, etc.)
- Members of Organised Private Sector (Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce & Industries Mines & Agriculture, etc.)
- Labour Unions & Associations (e.g. Nigeria Labour Congress, Trade Union Congress, National Employment Consultative Association, etc.)
- Knowledge-Based Institutions (e. g. Nigeria Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Centre for Management Development, Institute of Economists of Nigeria, Federal Universities, etc.);
- Bilateral and Multilateral Agencies (Bi-National Commissions with countries, World Bank and its affiliates, World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, etc.);
- Foreign companies seeking for exemption from incorporation in Nigeria